Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well, since I'm on my way around the world I thought it would be a good idea to write about some of my travels online, so I started this blog. I'm going to try to enter something every day of my trip and also get some pictures up here as I go. Today is just day#1 in Dallas. Since this is my second visit here it doesn't have that new exciting feel anymore, but I do like it. I think I could picture myself living here, but I'm trying not to think about that now. I do have to say that they have the best Equinox gym I have ever seen. It's absolutely enormous and brand new. I guess having as much space as they do down here has its advantages. Missed the yoga class this morning, but will hopefully catch one tomorrow. I think we need an Equinox in the suburbs of Boston, Hingham or Newton would probably be good spots.

Tonight should be interesting as they celebrate St. Patty's day today, even though I don't think there is a single irish person in texas...Ryan and I had lunch at this place called Taco Diner, an upscale mexican joint, which was really good. Yesterday was the Village Burger Bar...possibly the best turkey burger I've ever had in my life. One thing I've noticed in Dallas is that every single restaurant serves alcohol. Even the burger joint had a happy hour special. Last night for dinner it was Trece, amazing margaritas made with agave nectar instead of sour mix. The dulce de lece flan was also unreal. Ok, this might turn into a world food blog more than anything else, though when I get to India I might be on a strict diet of protein bars and trail mix.


  1. good idea
    Sydney misses you already. She had to settle for being held by Rubin today! not sure who she loves more - ha ha
    no contest
    xoxo safe travels

  2. Okay...first of all...u do yoga? and eat turkey burgers?!?! U belong in LA! HAHA!!

    Keep me entertained w/your blogs b/c I have NOTHING else to do!!! ;o)

  3. Sounds like a great start to the trip...I wish I could meet you along the way.

  4. I'm sorry I couldn't meet up with you for a couple of drinks this time around. Trying to spend two days with the family before I head out for another week of work. Have fun and enjoy the world.

  5. hahaha thanks for the shout out!! Great plate ray! I am off to Miami to DJ @ WMC. hope you continue to have fun on the trip. Be safe
