Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 8

Sydney (Friday)
Having slept through the night and landing at 10AM Sydney time, I actually felt surprising good, like it was the next normal day (though it was actually one day ahead of how I felt). Hopping a cab, I made my way to the Westin Hotel Sydney in Martin Place, which is basically between Darling Harbour and Sydney Harbour. The hotel was absolutely gorgeous with an open atrium that had a glass ceiling with views onto all of the nearby skyscrapers. I unpacked a few clothes in the room, took a quick shower and went straight out to Darling Harbour. This area is very similar to the waterfront in Cape Town, with lots of cool shops and restaurants along the water. I had a nice lunch at one of these seaside eateries and then went back to the hotel to rest a little. In need of some serious stretching and physical activity I looked up a local gym online that seemed like it was pretty nice and found may way over there for a workout. The gym was cool, not many people working out on a Friday afternoon though as most aussies were at the bar and half in the bag by 2PM it seemed like. I did a decent chest workout and a 3 mile run on the treadmill, which I was in desperate need of after spending 14.5 hours on a plane in pretty much the same position. Feeling the jet lag catch up with me a bit I decided to have a quiet dinner (I guess it would have to be since I was by myself) and the Italian place in the hotel. They had tables setup outside on Martin Place, which is similar to Quincy Market in Boston, just without all the tourists. I’ve been told that my blog is a little boring because of my detailed description of all the food I’ve been eating, so I’m going to cut this down. Suffice it to say, my dinner was excellent: roasted eggplant to start and seafood linguine for the main course. Paired with a local New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, it was perfect. BED. I realize this is a very dull description of my day, sorry about that, I just can’t remember anything too exciting happening. I probably should have wrote this day before it faded from my memory…

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